Student Services

What we offer

Our commitment goes beyond the classroom

The Student Services program at the SCHOOL OF THE ARTS AND MEDIA INSTITUTE OF MIAMI has been carefully designed to enrich the academic experience of our students and contribute to their comprehensive development, covering personal, academic and professional aspects. This essential area encompasses a wide range of services, including academic advising, consultation on additional online course opportunities, assistance with the course registration process, facilitation of paperwork and forms, as well as valuable resources such as job placement services and access to our complete library, among others. We are committed to providing comprehensive support to enhance the academic success and personal and professional growth of each student.

O'Reilly Library


Students at the SCHOOL OF THE ARTS AND MEDIA INSTITUTE OF MIAMI have the privilege of accessing the prestigious O'Reilly Library, as well as other accredited resources, to encourage rigorous academic study and advance research. This broad range of resources supports our institution's commitment to academic excellence , providing students with the tools necessary to conduct high-quality research and access cutting-edge materials that enrich their educational experience.

Supportative progression

Academic advising

SCHOOL OF THE ARTS AND MEDIA INSTITUTE OF MIAMI offers a continuum of services and resources to support students from the time they become students to the time they graduate and beyond. These services provide the opportunity to explore careers and personal goals, and facilitate a smooth and supportive progression towards any of our academic programs.


The catalog contains information on details related to the availability of courses by major, admissions, registration, books and materials, regulations, complaints or concerns, graduation requirements, complaint procedures, library access, refund policies, rights, responsibilities and student sanctions, academic records, transfers, and course changes.
Career services and graduate placement.

SCHOOL OF THE ARTS AND MEDIA INSTITUTE OF MIAMI reserves the right to assist in the placement of graduates with employment opportunities as they become available. This is accomplished through preparation, advising, submitting transcripts, and, when necessary, letters of recommendation written voluntarily by faculty. The service may reveal information related to the market and availability of employment. SCHOOL OF THE ARTS AND MEDIA INSTITUTE OF MIAMI does not and cannot guarantee job placement.

Student Records

SCHOOL OF THE ARTS AND MEDIA INSTITUTE OF MIAMI maintains a record of each student, translated into English and containing the following:

  • academic transcript
  • All documents that demonstrate the student's eligibility for the enrolled programs.
  • Any certificate or diploma obtained
  • Copies of applications or contractual agreements
  • Financial records
  • Student advising or counseling records
  • Progress records.

All documents received from students become the property of SCHOOL OF THE ARTS AND MEDIA INSTITUTE OF MIAMI and are permanently maintained in our files.

Technical support

SCHOOL OF THE ARTS AND MEDIA INSTITUTE OF MIAMI offers tools for students to learn how to navigate the online Platform such as:

  • Free, non-credit informative tutorials – designed to guide students through the functionality of the online platform.
  • Support Forum: a medium dedicated to posting platform-related questions, comments or concerns (please allow up to 24 hours for responses to posts)
  • Chats: The Institution offers a free, Skype-compatible online chat/voice platform for real-time support.
  • FAQs, demos and manuals.
  • Any changes to student contact information will be processed through IT support at www.miaminstitute using the Change Status Form.

Student Financial Assistance

SCHOOL OF THE ARTS AND MEDIA INSTITUTE OF MIAMI can provide guidance to students who are having financial difficulties. This advice consists of options on how to meet your goals, offering them a payment plan. Students will be notified of all changes made at the institution.

Ask for more information

Complete the form to be paired with one of our knowledgeable admissions representatives who will answer any questions you may have.